Wills in 1996, will have more than 115+ direct professional fitness clubs nationwide with a membership of more than 500 thousand. Will be based on the fitness industry, not only adhering to the simple concept of fitness, but strive to bring a healthy lifestyle to China, the concept of health will permeate your work and life. For you to start a scientific fitness model, so that your fitness effect with half the effort. The efficient club environment and professional health knowledge will accompany your new healthy life goals in the future. Professionalism, honesty and service are the eternal pursuits of will. Will wants to redefine the standards of the Chinese fitness industry and promote the development of a healthy living industry.

威尔仕“WILLS” 瑜伽
Shi Ji Da Dao, Yaohan, Pu Dong Xin Qu, Shang Hai Shi, סין

P: +86 18721783902

购买好的礼券可以预约来上海浦东世纪百联店健身训练,如需在其它店或者其它城市体验的可以做调节。 项目包括:瑜伽,健身,抗阻力训练,自由力量训练,体智能测试,运动评估分析! 健身后可以使用洗澡设备, 桑拿,提供大小毛巾 洗浴产品!