Provided body care product. those products are organic and mose items is home made, traditional way to produce, body care products such as face cleanser, face mask, lip protector, face gel, home made soap, top to toes body lotion, eyes gel, enzymes hair care and so on.

The body care shop
568, Jln Ipoh, Batu Complex Bussiness Centre, 51200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, מלזיה

P: +60 162732162

The power to clean without harmful chemicals. This product USES pure natural Pulp fibre merge with modern technology, this microfibre uses a combination of static electricity and capillary action to pull dirt and grease up into the fibres and away from the surface. Washing dish under running water, rinse with clean water and will be clean as new. As the washing cloth is made of pure wood fiber, no chemical fiber is added, therefore, do not rub vigorously to avoid shorten the life spend. 厨用清洁巾免用洗洁精不沾油木纤维 产品名字:油利除洗碗巾 规格:26*26重量:28克 注册:商标材料:纯木质纤维 功效:去除厨房油渍污渍,不用洗洁精,用水一冲干干净净。 理念:环保健康,拒绝残留伤害。 产品成分:选用2至3年天然无污染的澳洲速生树木,纯木质纤维没有任何化学成分。 产品制作:粉碎高温蒸煮,剔除木材种的糖和脂。采用技术根除物质的静电反应。产品重点:不用洗洁精,遇水后形成亲水膜,即“荷叶效应”油污难以渗透到纤维内部。 产品特性:易清洗、抑菌、去油不沾油、不板结、不变形、抗菌保健、自清自洁功效。 注意事项:水温60°以下,使用温水侵泡几分钟,每次常用抹布打湿即可。木质纤维怕烫怕受力,不可高温@消毒,自然风干即可! 木质纤维精制,不含任何化学物质、超强去污、吸水性强、易干、易洗,擦拭油渍、污渍、汗渍不用任何洗涤用品,抗油、不沾油,清水一冲即净,对擦拭物无损,不留痕迹! 本产品脱糖、脱脂,具有抗菌、抑菌功能。不论用多久,不发滑,不油腻,无异味儿,无刺激,无静电,无霉变。 用途:美容、卸妆、洗脸、洗澡,洗护专用;家电、地板、车辆、仪器,维护专用;酒店、浴室、客厅、玻璃,清洁专用;餐具、饮具、茶具、家具,擦洗专用。 注意事项:使用时先将毛巾打湿,不宜用力搓洗,清水冲洗拧干即可。